Types of Hazardous Waste We Handle

Hazwaste Solutions is the one of the leading hazardous waste disposal management companies in the US.

We effectively handle the disposal of the following types of wastes that may be produced during your business operations:

Chemical Waste
Acetone, Acetonitrile, Acid, Ammonia, Chemical Disposal, Chemical Recycling, Cyanide Waste, Glycol, Lab Packs, Pesticide

Construction Waste
Blocks, Brick, Carpeting, Gypsum Drywall, Linoleum, Padding, PVC, Shingles, Wood

Electronic Waste
Batteries, Cell Phones, Computer Monitors, Computers, Consoles, Servers, Telecommunication Equipment, Televisions, Video Games

Other Hazardous Waste
Acids & Caustics, Contaminated Soils, Corrosive, Ignitable, Plating Solutions, Reactive, Toxic Metals, Used Solvents

Industrial Waste
Chemical Solvents, Industrial By-Products, Metals, Paints, Paper Products, Sandpaper

Liquid Waste
Fats, Oils, or Greases, Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids, Industrial Wastewater, Latex Wastewater, Non-Hazardous Liquids, Organic Liquids, Process Wastewater, Septic System and Sanitary Liquid Waste, Used Oil and Oily Water, Wastewater Disposal

Recyclable Materials
Cardboard and Paper, Metals, Organic Waste, Plastics, Scrap Wood and Pallets

Sludge Waste
Sewage Sludge Farms, Tank Cleaning, Large-Scale Cooling Towers, and Settling Ponds

Universal Waste
Batteries, Cleaning Chemicals, Fluorescent Bulbs, Pesticides

We help businesses in the community in disposing excess materials, used or discarded items and even chemical or industrial waste that may be considered hazardous waste if not disposed of properly.

Hazwaste Solutions also offers OSHA training and Environmental Compliance training for all types of companies. For more information about our training opportunities and environmental services please

Call us now at (855) 589-4957 for a free quote!

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